Monday, April 29, 2013

Food Allergies and GMOs

One out of 17 children now has some form of food allergy, and rates are rising. That is unacceptable!

Food allergy is when your body sees food protein as a foreign object and attacks it. This response can be very mild to deadly...

So what is foreign in our food?

Our food is now being engineered... (GMOs) Genetically Modified Organisms

Learn More About GMOs here:

Robyn O'brien says...

Beginning in the 90's new proteins were introduced into our food supply.  To maximize shareholder profits for the companies that made them.

1994 Scientists developed  a new synthetic protein to begin injecting into our dairy cows to promote growth and faster milk production.

Instead of proving these were safe before using these proteins, the FDA decided to take a different approach. They allowed it because it hasn't been proven unsafe. 

Listen Here To Robyn's Ted Talk:
Click Here

So what is in your cupboard? Do you have any cereals, crackers, cookies,  soy milk or baby formula in there?  Yes Baby Formula! How about anything with corn syrup or processed food made from corn on your shelves like chicken nuggets, breaded fish etc? If so, you are probably eating food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Our children are getting sick...

Between 1997 and 2002 the number of peanut allergies doubled, and the number of hospitalizations related to allergic reactions to food increased by a whopping 265 percent.

So what can we do?

First and foremost we need to support labeling of all GMO products. Until we get this accomplished, there will be GMO hiding everywhere in our food.

Second, we need to start eliminating foods we know contain them.
A list of GMO foods are:

  • Corn  #1 : This can be from the corn we eat to the high fructose corn syrup that floods our food supply. If it's sweet, it is probably made with HFCS which is made from GMO corn.
( You can see why removing processed foods are so important)
  •     Soy   # 2
  •     Dairy
  •     Papayas
  •     Alfalfa
  •     Sugar Beets (more sugar is being made from sugar beets today, then sugar cane)
  •     Aspartame
  •     Canola
  •     Cotton
  •     Zucchini
  •     Yellow Squash

JUST 1 Change!

So if you were to make one small change today, I would start removing the processed foods.
Learn to cook again, and begin teaching your child those life skills. It will be so important for not only their health, but yours as well. Then when this has become a habit, make another small change, until one day you are eating real healthy food again!

To Your Health!

To Read More:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Let's Take A Look At Coconut Oil

Coconut butter, which is also commonly referred to as Coconut oil, is a fat that consists of more than 90% saturated fat. As it’s name implies, this oil is obtained from coconuts and is commonly used for cosmetics, baking ingredients and cooking oil. The world’s largest exporter of Coconut oil, which is the Philippines, receives 7% of it’s total export income from this product alone.

Coconut oil is rich in a fatty acid and is among the more stable of all vegetable oils. Many consider it to be a healthy product, which may increase metabolism and improve the body’s ability to fight sickness by strengthening the immune system. Once an immune system becomes weakened for any reason, the body becomes susceptible to an array of illnesses. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one’s immune system must remain strong.

If it ever becomes weakened, it is essential to rebuild the immune system in order to protect the body against harmful sickness and/or disease. Because coconut oil is also high in saturated fat, some believe that it may increase the likelihood of cardiovascular and/or heart disease and possibly even diabetes.
This is a myth as I show here:
Click Here:

On the other hand, some international populations who consume large quantities of coconut oil have been shown to have lower rates of heart disease.

In addition to concerns surrounding the health effects, both good and bad, Coconut oil has been tested as a fuel, but has been faced with difficult obstacles due to it’s high melting point. Coconut oil is also used for hairstyling in India, while other individuals find it to be useful as a skin moisturizer. Coconut oil is believed to be both effective and safe when used in connection with skin care.

And best of all, it is not believed to carry any adverse reactions to the skin. In fact, some users have actually reported improvements in specific skin conditions after using Coconut oil. Among them, eczema, which is a very uncomfortable rash that develops in the form of small blister-like lesions. These are both painful and may result in scarring.

See More benefits of coconut oil here:

When buying coconut oil, be sure it's organic!

*The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for any type of treatment, cure or remedy to certain skin conditions and/or other illnesses. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, including that which consists of coconut oil, individuals are urged to consult with their physician and/or dermatologist for proper diagnosis and/or treatment recommendation.
Hello and Welcome to GreenBeanPatch…purplepic-150x150
This blog is an extension of my main blog:
(Be sure to check it out too!)

It's a place to find information on Real Life, Real Food, and Real Health.
By this I mean, getting back to nature. Growing and Cooking as chemical-free as possible to assure a healthy lifestyle.

seedsI believe it is so important to show our children, not only where our food comes from, but how to prepare and choose the best food available to live a healthy life.
In todays world, nutrition has taken a back seat to convenience. I hope to provide useful information to help you and your family regain control of what we put into our bodies. Our children depend on us to help them make good decisions everyday. Nutrition is our life source and we must never take it for granted.
Gain control of your health by getting back to nature!

Marcy McManaway